Z.F. 12 telescopic machine gun sight case

Accession Number REL31218.002
Collection type Technology
Object type Optical equipment
Physical description Leather
Place made Germany
Date made c 1912-1918
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Stitched and rivetted black leather storage case, designed to hold a Zielfernrohr 12 (Z.F.12) 2.5 power, optical gun sight for the MG08 7.92mm, Maxim machine gun. The case is kidney shaped and has been reinforced with rivets and small steel plates. The lid is secured by two short leather straps at each side. The case is attached to the users belt by two longer leather straps fitted at the rear. Rivetted to the lid interior is explanatory text in German titled 'Gebrauchsanweisung fur das Fernrohr 03.' while the rest of the case is lined with white felt to protect the gun sight when it is stored.

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