Discovering Australia

Accession Number ARTV05427
Collection type Art
Measurement Sheet: 35.4 cm x 19.4 cm
Object type Poster
Physical description photolithograph
Maker Annand, Douglas
Farmer & Company Ltd
Place made Australia
Date made 1939-1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Australian poster depicting a peaceful country scene near Camden. The text reads:

Discovering Australia...

"It is still early. I turn off the highway near Camden and take on of
the red clay roads that wander away into the green. The little sleeping
hills breathe with a gentle rising and falling. The road rumbles its stones
in the shallow dips where the water rises after rain, and climbs between
red-white banks of clay that roll over the hill and down again. The
shadows from the eucalypts are long and sharp and blue. And while
the sun and the dew are mixing the perfume of the morning in the pale
green grass, I discover Australia all over again and why we work and
fight for it with everything we have.

"It is easy to become so immersed in the din and tension of war, that the
goal and purpose of the fight are forgotten. It is good, now and again,
to stop and discover ourselves and the freedoms we inherited but put
away for a while. Or we might forget and mistake the means for the end:
the machinery and the expediencies of war for a pattern of living."

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