Eyes on the North

Place Oceania: Australia
Accession Number ARTV05408
Collection type Art
Measurement Sheet: 35.4 cm x 19.4 cm
Object type Poster
Physical description photolithograph
Maker Annand, Douglas
Place made Australia
Date made 1939-1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Australian poster depicting a peaceful scene in the Torres Straits. The poster states that we should fight with all our strength and wealth for peace.
The text reads:

Eyes on the North...

Up here, where the Pacific turns the corner of Cape York, swirls round
Horn and Thursday and all the thousand green pinpoints of Torres islets,
sandbanks rise in long-fingered patterns and point out the deep turquoise
channels where W.T. boats hurry with the tide.

On the islands, the mango trees are deep dense green against the stark sky
and the sand. Splashes of shining red where the young leaves are born,
splashes of gold where the ripe fruit hangs. Orchids. Extravagant patterns
of zamia palm and coconut...the unexpected glimpse of an antlered deer
...sea eagles circling the blue.

For us whose home is the grey-green South, here is an Australia vaguely
known but never imagined in its full colours. Here is a new story of
Australia's vastness, Australia's beauty, Australia's infinite variety. A new
reason for working and fighting with all our strength and wealth for the
country that we knew and the wider horizons that are opening up to us.

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