Decorative table covering : Private R Atkins, 3 Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment

Accession Number REL30956
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Heraldry
Physical description Cotton sateen
Maker Unknown
Place made Korea
Date made c 1950-1952
Conflict Korea, 1950-1953

Decorative table covering with a yellow fringe and a white fringe along alternate edges. The base colour of the cloth is yellow and each corner is woven diagonally with the same scene of a temple surrounded with decorative motifs.

History / Summary

Sent to Miss Jean Oakley, in Katoomba, NSW, by 2/400412 Private Ray Atkins of 3 Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, while he was serving in Korea. 3 RAR served in Korea from September 1950 and returned to Australia in November 1954.