US 1 Infantry Division formation sign : Major D Gazzard, Headquarters 1 Australian Task Force, Vietnam

Accession Number REL30463.002
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Badge
Physical description Cotton
Maker Unknown
Date made c 1969
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Woven khaki rectangular formation sign with a pointed base. The number '1' is woven in the centre in red cotton.

History / Summary

Worn by 36765 Major Donald Edward Gazzard of Headquarters 1 Australian Task Force Vietnam. Major Gazzard was posted to Vietnam with A Squadron 3 Cavalry Regiment from 20 January 1969 to 7 May 1969. He transferred to B Squadron from 10 June to 1 October and then served with HQ 1 ATF from 2 October to 21 January 1970 before his posting back to Australia. During his time with HQ 1 ATF Gazzard was a liaison officer with the South Vietnamese Marine Brigade Bravo. This formation sign was worn on the US Marine Corps uniform given to him by the Senior American advisor with the brigade. It is the insignia of US 1st Infantry Division, known as 'The Big Red One'.