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- No. 14 Australian General Hospital (5)
- 2/20th Australian Infantry Battalion (4)
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- 12th Australian Light Horse Regiment (2)
- 2/10 Field Ambulance (2)
- 2/29th Australian Infantry Battalion (2)
- 2/3rd Machine Gun Battalion (2)
- 3rd Australian Infantry Brigade (2)
- 8th Australian Light Horse Regiment (2)
- 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment (2)
- Australian Army Nursing Service (2)
- F Force (2)
- New Zealand Forces (2)
- New Zealand Mounted Rifles (2)
- No. 2 Australian General Hospital (2)
- 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment (1)
- 2/26th Australian Infantry Battalion (1)
- 2/3 Motor Ambulance Convoy Malaya (1)
- 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment (1)
- 38th Australian Infantry Battalion (1)
- 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment (1)
- 3rd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (1)
- 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment (1)
- 53rd Australian Infantry Battalion (1)
- 5th Australian Light Horse Regiment (1)
- 67 Australian Infantry Battalion (1)
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- No. 1 Australian General Hospital (1)
- No. 2 Australian Casualty Clearing Station (1)
- No. 3 Australian General Hospital (1)
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- Asia: Thailand, Bangkok (6)
- Asia: Burma Thailand Railway (5)
- Asia: Malaya (5)
- Africa: Egypt, Alexandria (4)
- Africa: Egypt, Cairo (4)
- Africa: Egypt, Suez Canal (4)
- Africa: Egypt, Suez Canal, Port Said (4)
- Oceania: Australia, Western Australia, Fremantle (4)
- Africa: Egypt (3)
- Africa: Egypt, Cairo, Heliopolis (3)
- Africa: Egypt, Frontier, Sinai, El Arish Area, El Arish (3)
- Africa: Egypt, North Egypt, Mena (3)
- Africa: Egypt, North Egypt, Zeitoun (3)
- Africa: Egypt, Suez Canal, Kantara (3)
- Africa: Egypt, Suez Canal, Suez (3)
- Asia: Burma (3)
- Asia: Burma Thailand Railway, Songkurai (3)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Dardanelles, Gallipoli (3)
- Oceania: Australia, New South Wales, Sydney (3)
- Africa: Egypt, Cairo, Gezira (2)
- Africa: Egypt, Frontier, Sinai, Romani Area, Romani (2)
- Asia: Korea (2)
- Asia: Malaya, Johore (2)
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- Asia: Netherlands East Indies, Sumatra (2)
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- Asia: Thailand, Kanchanaburi Province, Kanburi (2)
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- Europe: Greece, Aegean Islands, Lemnos (2)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Palestine, Tel el Fara (2)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Transjordan, Es Salt (2)
- Oceania: Australia, New South Wales, Bathurst (2)
- Oceania: Australia, South Australia, Adelaide (2)
- Oceania: Australia, Victoria, Melbourne (2)
- Oceania: Australia, Victoria, Melbourne, Port Melbourne (2)
- Oceania: Australia, Western Australia, Albany (2)
- Oceans: Indian Ocean, Gulf of Aden (2)
- Africa: Egypt, Cairo, Abbassia (1)
- Africa: Egypt, Frontier, Sinai, Bir el Abd (1)
- Africa: Egypt, Frontier, Sinai, Romani Area, Hill 70 (Romani) (1)
- Africa: Egypt, Frontier, Sinai, Romani Area, Katia (1)
- Africa: Egypt, Helouan (1)
- Africa: Egypt, North Egypt, Moascar (1)
- Africa: Egypt, North Egypt, Tel el Kebir (1)
- Africa: Egypt, Sidi Bishr (1)
- Africa: Egypt, Suez Canal, El Ferdan (1)
- Africa: Egypt, Suez Canal, Ismailia (1)
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- Africa: North Africa, Libya, Cyrenaica, Tobruk Area, Tobruk (1)
- Africa: West Africa, Senegal, Dakar (1)
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- Asia: Burma Thailand Railway, Bampong (1)
- Asia: Burma Thailand Railway, Kanchanaburi (1)
- Asia: Burma Thailand Railway, Konkoita (1)
- Asia: Burma Thailand Railway, Nakom Paton (1)
- Asia: Burma Thailand Railway, Non Pradai (1)
- Asia: Burma Thailand Railway, Tamarkan (1)
- Asia: Burma Thailand Railway, Tamuang (1)
- Asia: Burma Thailand Railway, Tarsau (1)
- Asia: Burma, Moulmein (1)
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- Europe: France, Haute-Normandie, Seine Maritime, Le Havre (1)
- Europe: France, Haute-Normandie, Seine Maritime, Rouen (1)
- Europe: France, Nord Pas de Calais, Pas de Calais, Bethune, Fleurbaix (1)
- Europe: France, Nord Pas de Calais, Pas de Calais, St Omer (1)
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- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Palestine (1)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Palestine, Gaza (1)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Palestine, Hebron (1)
maker (22)
- Mudiman, Roy Clifford (3)
- Langtip, Henry (2)
- Ross-King, Alice (2)
- Scott, Norman John (2)
- Unknown (2)
- Chalker, Jack (1)
- Clark, David Herbert (1)
- Cooper, Gordon Colin (1)
- Department of Defence (1)
- Ellerman, Austin Yeats (1)
- Evans, Wilfred (1)
- Idriess, Ion Llewellyn (1)
- Lawton, Cherie (1)
- Lewtas, Keith Lindsay (1)
- McCarthy, Frederick Daniel (1)
- McCartney, Sydney (1)
- Metro Studio (1)
- Pullin, Ronald Maurice (1)
- Smith, Thomas Bruce (1)
- Sutherland, James McDonald (1)
- Walker, Robert Russell (1)
- White, Thomas Walter (1)
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27 Results
AWM54 554/7/4 - [8th Division in Captivity - "F" Force (Thailand):] Report on activities of the AIF "F" Force which left Changi for Thailand in April 1943, with appendices 1 to 15, including a report by Major Bruce Hunt, on the Cholera epidemic and general conditions during the first five weeks, also recommendations for awards
Digitised Collection
Maker: Department of Defence
Cholera hill, an isolation hospital for members of "F Force" suffering from the disease at Shimo ...
Cholera hill, an isolation hospital for members of "F Force" suffering from the disease at Shimo Sonkurai No 1 Camp. To the right of the hospital tents is a make-shift operating table where amputation...P02569.189
Cholera hospital, Hintok
Maker: Chalker, Jack
The Cholera hospital in Hintok, Burma-Thailand Railway. Large surrounding trees and shrubs dwarf the hospital tents.ART90845
Clark, David Herbert
Maker: Clark, David Herbert Lawton, Cherie
Manuscript titled 'Dave's way: A POW Memoir' compiled by Cherie Lawton in 2014 from taped cassettes containing the oral memoirs of the wartime experience of VX64170 Driver David Herbert Clark. Driver ...MSS2280
Diary of Alice Ross-King, 1915
Digitised Collection
Maker: Ross-King, Alice
Diary relating to the First World War service of Sister Alice Ross-King, Australian Army Nursing Service. The diary, kept between 17 January 1915 and 19 December 1915, details Ross-King's service with...RCDIG0000973
Diary of Gordon Colin Cooper, 1916-1917
Digitised Collection
Maker: Cooper, Gordon Colin
Diary relating to the First World War service of 475 Private Gordon Colin Cooper, 1st Light Horse Regiment. In this diary, written between 1 January 1916 and 13 January 1917, Cooper records his servic...RCDIG0000901
Diary of Henry 'Harry' Langtip, 1917
Digitised Collection
Maker: Langtip, Henry
Diary relating to the First World War service of 2347 Staff Sergeant Henry 'Harry' Langtip, 4th Light Horse Regiment. In this diary, written between 1 January 1917 and 31 December 1917, Langtip docume...RCDIG0000899
Diary of Keith Lindsay Lewtas, 1946-1950
Digitised Collection
Maker: Lewtas, Keith Lindsay
Diary related to the British Commonwealth Occupation Force and Korean War service of VX5354 and 31997 Sergeant Keith Lindsay Lewtas, 67th Infantry Battalion and 3RAR. This diary written between 6 Marc...AWM2019.22.65
Diary of Norman Scott, 1943-1944
Digitised Collection
Maker: Scott, Norman John
Diary relating to the Second World War service of NX54124 Corporal Norman John Scott, 2/10 Field Ambulance. This diary has entries dated between 23 April 1943 and 20 May 1944, and contains details of ...AWM2019.22.133
Diary of Robert Russell Walker, 1941-1945
Digitised Collection
Maker: Walker, Robert Russell
Diary relating to the Second World War service of NX70509 Captain Robert Russell Walker, 2/26 Australian Infantry Battalion. In his diary, Walker records events that occurred December 1941 and Octob...AWM2019.22.196
Diary of Roy Clifford Mudiman, 1941-1945
Digitised Collection
Maker: Mudiman, Roy Clifford
Diary relating to the Second World War service of NX52458 Roy Clifford Mudiman, 2/20th Infantry Battalion. This diary written between 7 December 1941 and 7 February 1945 mentions: the invasion of Sing...AWM2019.22.182
Diary of Thomas Walter White, April-June 1916
Digitised Collection
Maker: White, Thomas Walter
Diary [book 1C] relating to the captivity, during the First World War, of Captain Thomas Walter White, Mesopotamian Half Flight, Australian Flying Corps. In this diary kept between, April-June 1916. W...RCDIG0001326
Idriess, Ion Llewellyn (Trooper, b.1889 - d.1979)
Private Record
Maker: Idriess, Ion Llewellyn
Collection relating to service of 358 Trooper Ion Llewellyn Idriess, 5 Light Horse Regiment, AIF, Gallipoli, Egypt, Palestine, 1915-1918. The collection consists of eight original, handwritten diarie...1DRL/0373
Informal group portrait of members of 2/3 Machine Gun Battalion outside a tent at Hill 95 camp. ...
Maker: Unknown
Informal group portrait of members of 2/3 Machine Gun Battalion outside a tent at Hill 95 camp. Back row, left to right: TX3136 Private (Pte) Lorrimer (Lorrie) Anzac Von Stieglitz; and SX9867 Pte Law...P07962.002
Letters from Wilfred Evans to his family, 1918
Digitised Collection
Maker: Evans, Wilfred
Letters relating to the First World War service of Major Wilfred Evans, Australian Army Medical Corps. In this series of letters from 1918, Evans details his service in Palestine and his eventual demo...RCDIG0000963
Letters of Ronald Maurice Pullin, 1943-1945
Digitised Collection
Maker: Pullin, Ronald Maurice
Letters relating to the Second World War service of Sergeant 13246 Sergeant Ronald Maurice Pullin, Federated Malay States Volunteer Force. Pullin was a prisoner of war of the Japanese, and was inte...AWM2019.22.199
McCarthy, Frederick Daniel (Private, b.1903 - d.1944)
Private Record
Maker: McCarthy, Frederick Daniel
Collection relating to the Second World War service of NX56372 Private Frederick Daniel McCarthy, No 3 Motor Transport Company and prisoner of war. Collection consists of an original diary written be...PR00583
McCartney, Sydney (Private b.1915 - d.?)
Private Record
Maker: Unknown McCartney, Sydney
Collection relating to the Second World War service of VX45838 Pte Sydney McCartney, 2/29th Australian Infantry Battalion, Singapore, 1942-1945. Collection consists of five documents collected by Pt...PR01167
Memoir of Austin Ellerman Yeats
Digitised Collection
Maker: Ellerman, Austin Yeats
Memoir relating to the Second World War service of VX50052 Captain Austin Yeats Ellerman, 2/29 Battalion, Australia, c 1955. The 29-page typescript, entitled 'Austin in the Army - Reminiscences', des...AWM2020.22.32
Mudiman, Roy Clifford (Private, b.1920 - d.2004)
Private Record
Maker: Mudiman, Roy Clifford
Collection relating to the Second World War service of NX52458 Private Roy Clifford Mudiman, 2/20th Infantry Battalion, Malaya, Australia, Singapore, Burma and Thailand, 1941-1945. Collection consis...PR03377