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- 8 Field Ambulance (3)
- Royal Australian Air Force (3)
- 2nd Australian Imperial Force (2)
- Australian Imperial Force (2)
- 1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (1)
- 2 Field Ambulance (1)
- 3rd Australian Field Ambulance (1)
- 8 Australian Division (1)
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- Light Horse (1)
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related places (64)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Palestine (8)
- Africa: Egypt (6)
- Europe: France (6)
- Asia: Vietnam (4)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Dardanelles, Gallipoli (4)
- Oceania: Australia, Queensland, North Queensland, Atherton Tableland, Atherton (4)
- Asia: Vietnam, Vung Tau Special Zone, Vung Tau (3)
- Europe: Belgium, Flanders, West-Vlaanderen, Messines (3)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme (3)
- Africa: Egypt, Cairo (2)
- Africa: Egypt, Suez Canal (2)
- Africa: Egypt, Suez Canal, Kantara (2)
- Africa: North Africa, Libya (2)
- Africa: North Africa, Libya, Cyrenaica, Tobruk Area, Tobruk (2)
- Asia: Malaya (2)
- Europe: France, Nord Pas de Calais, Pas de Calais, Boulogne (2)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Abbeville (2)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Amiens Harbonnieres Area, Bayonvillers (2)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Palestine, Ramleh (2)
- Oceania: Australia (2)
- Oceania: Australia, Northern Territory (2)
- Oceania: Australia, Victoria, Melbourne (2)
- Oceania: New Guinea1 (2)
- Africa: Egypt, Frontier, Sinai (1)
- Africa: Egypt, Frontier, Sinai, Magdhaba (1)
- Africa: North Africa (1)
- Africa: North Africa, Libya, Cyrenaica, Tobruk Area (1)
- Africa: North Africa, Libya, Cyrenaica, Tobruk Area, El Adem (1)
- Africa: North Africa, Western Desert, Western Desert (Egypt), El Alamein Area, El Alamein (1)
- Asia: Korea (1)
- Asia: Korea, Jamestown Line Area (1)
- Asia: Singapore (1)
- Asia: Singapore, Changi (1)
- Asia: Vietnam, Phuoc Tuy Province, Nui Dat (1)
- Europe: Belgium, Flanders, West-Vlaanderen, Ypres, Menin Road (1)
- Europe: France, Lorraine, Meuse, Verdun (1)
- Europe: France, Nord Pas de Calais, Nord (1)
- Europe: France, Nord Pas de Calais, Nord, Lille (1)
- Europe: France, Nord Pas de Calais, Nord, Nieppe (1)
- Europe: France, Nord Pas de Calais, Nord, Strazeele (1)
- Europe: France, Nord Pas de Calais, Pas de Calais, Arras, Warlencourt-Eaucourt (1)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Albert Bapaume Area (1)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Albert Bapaume Area, Bapaume (1)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Albert Bapaume Area, Warlencourt (1)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Amiens Harbonnieres Area (1)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Amiens Harbonnieres Area, Hamel Area, Hamel (1)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Amiens Harbonnieres Area, Harbonnieres (1)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Amiens Harbonnieres Area, Villers-Bretonneux Area (1)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Bapaume Cambrai Area, Bullecourt (1)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Bapaume Cambrai Area, Noreuil (1)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Corbie Albert Area (1)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Corbie Albert Area, Corbie (1)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Corbie Albert Area, Vaux (1)
- Europe: Ukraine (1)
- Europe: United Kingdom, England (1)
- Europe: United Kingdom, England, Hampshire, Southampton (1)
- Europe: Western Front (1)
- Oceania: Australia, New South Wales, Sydney (1)
- Oceania: Australia, Northern Territory, Darwin (1)
- Oceania: Australia, Queensland (1)
- Oceania: Australia, Queensland, North Queensland, Townsville (1)
- Oceania: Australia, South Australia (1)
- Oceania: New Guinea1, Papua New Guinea, Papua, Owen Stanley Range, Kokoda Trail (1)
- Oceania: New Guinea1, Papua New Guinea, Papua, Port Moresby (1)
maker (28)
- Lambert, George (11)
- McCubbin, Louis Frederick (5)
- Fletcher, Bruce (4)
- Abbott, Harold (3)
- Bryant, Charles (3)
- Norton, Frank (3)
- Bush, Charles (2)
- Goodchild, John (2)
- Heysen, Nora (2)
- Pidgeon, William Edwin (WEP) (2)
- Ashton, Richard (1)
- Berne-Bellecour, Jean-Jacques (1)
- Crozier, Frank (1)
- Dargie, William (1)
- Dowie, John Stuart (1)
- Edwards, McLean (1)
- Griffin, Murray (1)
- Hele, Ivor (1)
- Kent, David (1)
- Lothian, John George (1)
- Meeson, Dora (1)
- Ministry of Information (1)
- Murch, Arthur James (1)
- Picking, H (1)
- Roach, Gilbert (1)
- Shepperson, Claude (1)
- Streeton, Arthur (1)
- Ueki, Shizu (1)
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60 Results
Albert Bapaume Road, Butte de Warlencourt, March 1917
Maker: Crozier, Frank
A line of soldiers, ambulances, wagons and horses marching near the Butte de Warlencourt. This ancient mound near the village of Warlencourt, France, lay directly in the German front-line opposite the...ART02176
Ambulance, 2nd Field Ambulance, Vung Tau
Maker: Fletcher, Bruce
An ambulance at lower left from the 2nd Field Ambulance in Vung Tau, Phuoc Tuy Province, Vietnam. Sketches of two figures upper right and lower right, the lower one of a Vietnamese civilian.ART40422
Maker: Bush, Charles
Vehicles of 9th Australian Field Ambulance at Oonoonba Staging Camp, Townsville, Queensland.ART25783
Ambulance train, France 1914-1918
Maker: McCubbin, Louis Frederick
One of a series of oil paintings accompanying the `Evacuation of the wounded' dioramas. These depict the scheme of evacuation practiced in Messines in Belgium in June 1917. Work began on the models in...ART16867
[Ambulance vehicle]
Maker: Pidgeon, William Edwin (WEP)
A pencil sketch of an ambulance vehicle. The verso of this sheet features two studies; one, a rough sketch of a figure carrying a bucket, and the other recording details of a mobile kitchen vehicle. W...ART96291
[Ambulance wagon]
Maker: Lambert, George
This drawing of an ambulance of sand wagon is from behind, showing the beds stacked inside the vehicle.ART11393.036
[Ambulance wagon]
Maker: Lambert, George
The ambulance wagon was known as a sand cart as used during the First World War.ART11393.021
Ambulance wagons waiting for hospital ship, Boulogne, France
Maker: Bryant, Charles
Depicts four Ambulance wagons on the dock, waiting for a hospital ship in Boulogne, Pas de Calais, France during the First World War. A large hospital ship is seen in the background, steaming into the...ART00164
Any road in New Guinea
Maker: Heysen, Nora
Depicts palm trees & vehicles on the road with a tent in the lower right.ART29201.006
2/13 Australian General Hospital at Johor Bahru
Maker: Abbott, Harold
The hospital occupied by 2/13th Australian General Hospital at Tampoi, Johor Bahru.ART24416
[Australian Light Horseman kneeling]
Maker: Lambert, George
A soldier kneels on the ground in full Australian Light Horse uniform. His right leg is bent upward while the left leg is bent towards the ground. The solider rests his right arm on his knee and his r...ART11393.030
Awaiting emergency landing
Maker: Pidgeon, William Edwin (WEP)
Sketch of a tense moment on an airstrip in Northern Australia awaiting a plane reportedly coming in for emergency landing. Wep captured the activities of U.S Bomber Squadron 319 while on his first tou...ART29341
Bapaume Road
Maker: Bryant, Charles
Depicts a war damaged landscape in France during the First World War. Charles Bryant (1883-1937) had some early art lessons before beginning his career as a clerk in the Bank of NSW. In 1908 he trav...ART00173
Battalion regimental aid post
Maker: Hele, Ivor
An unusual converted jeep/ambulance stretcher carrier near dugouts at 1 Battalion Royal Australian Regiment's aid post, Commonwealth Division, Jamestown Line area, Korea.ART40364
Boulogne in wartime, January 1918
Maker: Bryant, Charles
Painting of the harbour and port at Boulogne, France, during the First World War with ambulance trucks in the foreground, a French seaplane landing on the water in the middle and camouflaged troop or ...ART03612
Car park, Main Street, Atherton
Maker: Abbott, Harold
View from a verandah of a Barrett's Railway Hotel on the main street of Atherton. The street is lined with military vehicles, the post office on the right is surrounded by anti-blast barricades and t...ART23872
Departure of the last Australian hospital ship from Southampton, England
Maker: Meeson, Dora
Departure of the last Australian hospital ship from Southampton, England. Hospital ships were designated as floating medical treatment facilities or hospitals. This painting depicts one of the two Aus...ART03190
Dressing station
Depicts wounded soldiers being carried on stretchers through the dressing station at Bayonvillers. On either side of the path are tents.ART03392
Dressing station in France
Maker: McCubbin, Louis Frederick
Depicts soldiers being brought to a station where they can have their wounds dressed. Several are standing or lying on stretchers in the foreground, with an ambulance and two stretcher bearers behind ...ART16976
Dressing Station, Nieppe
Maker: Goodchild, John
Depicts a view of the dressing Station at Nieppe with two Red Cross Ambulance Wagons in the courtyard. The painter, teacher and etcher John Goodchild was born in London and arrived in Adelaide in 1913...ART02508