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54 Results
Able seaman Ey holding an M16 assault rifle at the Land Warfare Training Centre at Canungra, ...
Able seaman Ey holding an M16 assault rifle at the Land Warfare Training Centre at Canungra, Queensland. One of a series of 35mm colour transparencies relating to the service of R64620 Able Seaman Cle...P11391.009
Able Seamen Ey (left) and Furner refuelling petrol tanks for the unit's outboard motorboat. One ...
Able Seamen Ey (left) and Furner refuelling petrol tanks for the unit's outboard motorboat. One of a series of 35mm colour transparencies relating to the service of R64620 Able Seaman Clearance Diver ...P11391.035
A colourful roadside stand at Dai Loc. One of a series of 35mm colour transparencies relating to ...
A colourful roadside stand at Dai Loc. One of a series of 35mm colour transparencies relating to the service of R64620 Able Seaman Clearance Diver (ABCD) Anthony Leonard Ey, RAN, taken by him during ...P11391.030
Aerial view of a relocated Vietnamese village north of Danang. One of a series of 35mm colour ...
Aerial view of a relocated Vietnamese village north of Danang. One of a series of 35mm colour transparencies relating to the service of R64620Able Seaman Clearance Diver (ABCD) Anthony Leonard Ey, RA...P11391.007
Aerial view of shipping and port facilities north of Danang. One of a series of 35mm colour ...
Aerial view of shipping and port facilities north of Danang. One of a series of 35mm colour transparencies relating to the service of R64620 Able Seaman Clearance Diver (ABCD) Anthony Leonard Ey, RA...P11391.012
Aerial view of the S.C.R.F. in Danang Harbour. The blown up barge is in the left rear from ...
Aerial view of the S.C.R.F. in Danang Harbour. The blown up barge is in the left rear from which the contingent recovered unexploded ordnance. One of a series of 35mm colour transparencies relating ...P11391.050
Aerial view of the US 1st Marine Division base at Dai Lac. A French colonial era fort is at ...
Aerial view of the US 1st Marine Division base at Dai Lac. A French colonial era fort is at lower right.One of a series of 35mm colour transparencies relating to the service of R64620 Able Seaman Cle...P11391.032
A Grade Three ammunition/ordnance storage locker a the CDT3 headquarters at Danang. One of a ...
A Grade Three ammunition/ordnance storage locker a the CDT3 headquarters at Danang. One of a series of 35mm colour transparencies relating to the service of R64620 Able Seaman Clearance Diver (ABCD) ...P11391.011
Ancient Buddhist temple in a field at Hoi-An, south of Danang. One of a series of 35mm colour ...
Ancient Buddhist temple in a field at Hoi-An, south of Danang. One of a series of 35mm colour transparencies relating to the service of R64620 Able Seaman Clearance Diver (ABCD) Anthony Leonard Ey, R...P11391.013
An OV-10A Bronco twin engined aircraft, (67-14619), from the 19th Tactical Air Support Squadron ...
Maker: Neil, Graham Wallace Unknown
An OV-10A Bronco twin engined aircraft, (67-14619), from the 19th Tactical Air Support Squadron (19th TASS), United States Air Force (USAF), flying over a province in South Vietnam. The aircraft is ar...P05581.002
A Patrol Boat River (PBR) that had been mined by the Viet Cong at Cua Viet. One of a series of ...
A Patrol Boat River (PBR) that had been mined by the Viet Cong at Cua Viet. One of a series of 35mm colour transparencies relating to the service of R64620 Chief Petty Officer Anthony Leonard Ey, RAN...P11391.051
A smoke plume rises from a burning pile of munitions propellant. One of a series of 35mm colour ...
A smoke plume rises from a burning pile of munitions propellant. One of a series of 35mm colour transparencies relating to the service of Able Seaman Clearance Diver (ABCD) Anthony Leonard Ey, RAN, t...P11391.010
A water spout rises as an explosive charge is detonanted during channel clearing at Hoi Ani ...
A water spout rises as an explosive charge is detonanted during channel clearing at Hoi Ani An.One of a series of 35mm colour transparencies relating to the service of R64620 Able Seaman Clearance Div...P11391.044
A West German hospital ship Helgoland tied up at Danang. The vessel and medical personnel were ...
A West German hospital ship Helgoland tied up at Danang. The vessel and medical personnel were part of West Germany's humanitarian committment to South Vietnam. Medical personnel performed hundreds ...P11391.018
A young Vietnamese boy playing in the shallows with the rusting remains of a blown up ammunition ...
A young Vietnamese boy playing in the shallows with the rusting remains of a blown up ammunition barge behind him. One of a series of 35mm colour transparencies relating to the service of R64620 Able ...P11391.019
Christmas dinner laid out at the CDT3 mess. The expansive fare had been organised by Petty ...
Christmas dinner laid out at the CDT3 mess. The expansive fare had been organised by Petty officer NarromineOne of a series of 35mm colour transparencies relating to the service of R64620 Able Seaman...P11391.049
Damaged 2.5 inch rockets and mortar rounds stacked and ready for demolition. One of a series of ...
Damaged 2.5 inch rockets and mortar rounds stacked and ready for demolition. One of a series of 35mm colour transparencies relating to the service of R64620 Able Seaman Clearance Diver (ABCD) Antho...P11391.046
Damaged rockets and mortar rounds stacked and ready for demolition. One of a series of 35mm ...
Damaged rockets and mortar rounds stacked and ready for demolition. One of a series of 35mm colour transparencies relating to the service of R64620 Able Seaman Clearance Diver (ABCD) Anthony Leonard ...P11391.045
Demolition explosion of recovered weapony and ammunitions at the Danang weapons range. One of a ...
Demolition explosion of recovered weapony and ammunitions at the Danang weapons range. One of a series of 35mm colour transparencies relating to the service of R64620 Able Seaman Clearance Diver (ABCD...P11391.003
Elevated view of the deep water piers of Danang as seen from the Monkey Mountains. One of a ...
Elevated view of the deep water piers of Danang as seen from the Monkey Mountains. One of a series of 35mm colour transparencies relating to the service of R64620 Able Seaman Clearance Diver (ABCD) A...P11391.014