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10 Results
Action at Parit Sulong, January 1942
Maker: Griffin, Murray
This work depicts the fighting at Parit Sulong by the men of the 2/15th Australian Field Regiment. A 25 pounder gun is in the lower right corner. This battle became the scene of a massacre at the hand...ART24477
An incident on the Burma railway
Maker: Griffin, Murray
Reconstruction of a scene witnessed by Colonel Dillon of the British Army, of the bashing of two British and one Australian prisoners of war by Japanese on the Burma-Thailand railway. Griffin original...ART26525
A trailer party, Changi 1944
Maker: Griffin, Murray
Two prisoners dragging an improvised trailer loaded with full sacks and escorted by a Japanese guard.ART25100
Attack on Japanese tanks on the Bakri-Parit Sulong Road
Maker: Griffin, Murray
Reconstruction of action against Japanese tanks by 2/4th Anti Tank Regiment along Bakri-Parit Sulong Road. This was the scene of intense fighting by withdrawing Australian troops as the Japanese rapid...ART27570
Changi gaol from the 100 metre huts
Maker: Griffin, Murray
Depicted is a prisoner hanging out washing with the concrete structure of Changi gaol in the background. Griffin captured the scene in October 1944. In 1944 all the POWs, some 10,000 men, held at Ser...ART25067
Japanese guards buying vegetables, March 1945
Maker: Griffin, Murray
This composition depicts the Japanese guards from the prisoner-of-war camps in Changi area purchasing the better class vegetables for themselves from Chinese stalls, Australians providing improvised t...ART25082
The ambush at the bridge over the Gemencheh River, beyond Gemas, 14th January 1942
Maker: Griffin, Murray
An ambush at the bridge over the Gemencheh River, beyond Gemas, in Malaya on 14 January 1942. In this ambush, which lasted 36 hours, over 1000 Japanese were killed and less than 50 Australians were k...ART24500
The Japanese guard takes a ride
Maker: Griffin, Murray
Japanese guard riding on improvised trailer pulled by prisoners bringing rations into camp. These trailers were constructed by the prisoners and had to be hauled using man power.ART25059
The march from Ban Pong
Maker: Griffin, Murray
Reconstruction of march through jungle from work on railway. Soon after the march began the monsoons started. The prisoners trudged hundreds of miles through the rain soaked jungle and ankle deep mud,...ART25077
Working on a Thailand railway cutting, July 1943
Maker: Griffin, Murray
Reconstruction of scene of 'F' Force men excavating earth for the railway cutting, lit by fires, with Japanese guard watching. The billowing fire and the men in shadows gives the illusion of being in ...ART25081