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Clear All- location : Main Bld: World War 2 Gallery: Gallery 2: Japan POW (remove)
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2 Results
Embroidered 'Australian Changi quilt': Female internees, Changi Prison
Maker: Aldworth, Edna Jessie Auger, Beatrice Maud 'Trixie' Austen-Hofer, Eunice Elizabeth Barnes, Betsy Florence Nea ‘Nea’ Bell, Mary Elizabeth Blackman, Elaine de Souza Blackman, Hazel Ivy Bloom, Freddy Bond, Elizabeth 'Betty' Boston, Joan Margaret Brown, Iris Dora Bruhn, Sheila Philomena Winifred Burgin, Valerie Roberts Burns, Margaret Burstall, Mary Louise Cogan, Geraldine Mary Corley, Constance Doris Haigh 'Doris' Cornelius, Mary Dorothy 'Dorothy' Early, Sheila Ennis, Marion Elizabeth 'Elizabeth' Fletcher, Lucy Francis, Edith May 'Kay' Good, Dorothy G E ‘Judy’ Gottlieb, Valentine Gladys 'Gladys' Gough, Elise Rose Griffith-Jones, Anne Laugharne Phillips Grist, Isobel Jeanne Harness, Caroline Annie Heath, Kathleen Margaret Hegarty, Bridget Hughes, Mary Campbell Crawford Chalmers Hunt, Ena Jenkins, Isobel Helen Jones, Eileen Jones, Nora Janet Kennard, Kathleen Getrude La Cloche, Alice Louise Lacey, Hilda Grace Latta, Helen Anne Logan, Diana Margaret MacKenzie, Sybil Kathleen Macdonald, Dorothy Mather, Dorothy May McCubbin, Jessie McIntosh-Whyte, Joan Mary McIntyre, Vera Amy Victoria McIvor, Judy McMorine, Martha Garrick Millard, Betsey Mitchell, P J Moir, Ellen Agnes Mulvany, Ethel Rogers Murphy, Edith Harle Hickie Nealson, J H Pape, Agnes Milroy Parfitt, Iris Gladys Joyce Rackham, Anne Reilly, Rodney Florence Russell-Davis, Freda Elaine Scott, Mary Pearl Shorthouse, Muriel Smalley, Betty I Smallwood, Margaret Sowerby, Olive Stanley-Cary, Joan Frances Lois Thomas, Mary Tompkins, Lilian Gladys 'Gladys' Uniacke, Elizabeth Mary Unknown internee Von Hagt, Ethne Von Hagt, Violet Walker, Barbara Watson, Alice May 'May' Watson, Marjory Webster, Marie Alma Whitehead, Irene Williams, Gladys Marion Williams, Sue Wills, Helen Redpath Logan de Moubray, Katherine Mary
Quilt made up of 66 embroidered squares, each 'signed' in embroidery with the maker's name. All the squares are edged with turkey red chain-stitch. The squares are bounded by a broad white cotton bord...REL/14235
Embroidered 'Japanese Changi quilt': Female internees, Changi Prison
Maker: Aitken, Violet Pauline Austen-Hofer, Eunice Elizabeth Beck, Helen Bell, Mary Elizabeth Bloom, Freddy Bridges, Grace Broadbent, Maud Brown, Iris Dora Burns, Margaret Clark, Muriel Graham Cutler, Rona Clements De Jager, Toosje Dickinson, Contance Ethel ‘Pauline’ Dixon, Norah Edwards, Joyce Edwards, Mary Evans, A Francis, Edith May 'Kay' Greaves, Florence Gregory, Minnie Rosamund Hancock, Clarice Heath, Kathleen Margaret Hegarty, Bridget Henderson, Jean Hooper, Wantar N'nakon Hughes, Mary Campbell Crawford Chalmers Iris Jackson, Priscilla Hannah Jamieson, Alice Mary Elizabeth Lawtie Jones, Eileen Jones, Nora Janet King, Eveline Mary Kinnear, Gwendolyn Edith Allen Kitts, Rhoda Margaret Koek, Cynthia Kronin, Angela Lacey, Caroline Lindsay, Evelyn Gladys Loveridge, Edith Annie Martin, Looleen Anna Martin, Nellie Maunder McCubbin, Jessie McLeod, Ethel Cory Moir, Ellen Agnes Morier, M Mulvany, Ethel Rogers Murphy, Kathleen B L 'Pat' Palomar, Leonora Patterson, Violet May Hilda Pearson, Eileen Mary Rank, Minnie Louise Rattray, Emma Edith Lascelles Renton, Constance Ethel Russell-Davis, Freda Elaine Ruthven, Dora Lansdale Sadler, Eva Maud Scott, Mary Pearl Stafford, Nora Ethel Sullivan, Anne Muriel Tan, Ruth Kathleen Uniacke, Elizabeth Mary Unknown internee White, Helen Dorothy Wickett, Mary June Willies, Ada Wood, Florence
Handmade quilt constructed from 66 embroidered or appliquéd squares each ‘signed’ in embroidery with the maker(s) name. All the squares are edged with turkey red feather-stitch. The squares are bounde...RELAWM32526