Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Windeyer Ralston

Ranks Held Lieutenant Colonel, Major
Birth Date 27/11/1885
Death Date 29/09/1971
Final Rank Lieutenant Colonel
Service Australian Imperial Force
Unit 20th Australian Infantry Battalion
Conflict/Operation First World War, 1914-1918



Date of birth 27/11/1885
Other 1914-08-18 - 1915-03-01 Prior AMF service.
Date and unit at appointment (Officers) 07/05/1915 Appointed to the 19th Battalion with the rank of major.
Date of embarkation 25/06/1915
Date promoted 06/06/1916 Appointed to lieutenant colonel.
Other units 06/06/1916 Appinted to command the 20th Battalion.
Date of recommendation honour or award 18/09/1916
Date of recommendation honour or award 30/09/1917
Date of recommendation honour or award 09/09/1917
Date of recommendation honour or award 27/09/1917
Date of recommendation honour or award 29/04/1918
Date of recommendation honour or award 04/03/1918
Date of recommendation honour or award 09/03/1918
Other units 01/03/1918 Appointed to command the 2nd Machine Gun Battalion.
Date returned to Australia 16/06/1919
Date of death 29/09/1971