Ransom, Herbert William (Private, b.1895 - d.1958)

Accession Number PR01719
Collection type Private Record
Measurement Extent: 5 cm; Wallet/s: 3
Object type Diary, Document
Maker Ransom, Herbert William
Place made Ottoman Empire: Turkey, Dardanelles, Gallipoli
Date made 1914-1915
Access Open
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Collection relating to the First World War service of 128 Private Herbert William Ransom, 6 Battalion, AIF, Australia, Egypt, Gallipoli, Malta, England, 1914-1915.

Wallet 1 of 3 - Consists of two folders containing two diaries each. Private Ransom recorded activities daily with detailed descriptions of places visited and actions in which he was involved, including a detailed description of the landing at Gallipoli.

Folder 1 - contains one diary with a red fabric cover, entries dating from 18 October 1914 to 31 December 1914, and one diary with green and black fabric cover, entries dating from 1 January 1915 to 14 April 1915.

Folder 2 - contains one diary with a black fabric cover, entries dating from 15 April 1915 to 4 September 1915, and one black leather diary, entries dating from 5 September 1915 to 20 November 1915.

Wallet 2 of 3 - contains one envelope dated 28 April 1915 addressed to Private Ransom and annotated 'killed', and one cablegram dated 7 June 1915 from Private Ransom advising that he was wounded but nothing serious. Also contains a handwritten note from Elizabeth Street 'To the wounded soldiers', 7 postcard photographs, one soldier's paybook, and an AIF list of transports dated 1914.

Wallet 3 of 3 - contains typed transcripts of Private Ransom's diaries.

Ransom fought at Gallipoli and after being wounded in May 1915, returned to Australia in October 1915.