Autographed good luck flag carried by Japanese soldier Sekiguchi Kyoshi at Wewak, 1945

Accession Number REL29417
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Flag
Physical description Silk
Maker Nara, Taketsuga
Place made Japan
Date made December 1940
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Japanese soldier's printed silk, autographed national flag, written in black ink characters. The four large characters around the edge of red central disc translate as 'To the glory of Japanese strength'. Characters placed vertically down the fly end of the flag give the information that the flag was written and presented on 1 December 1940 by General Nara Taketsuga to Sekiguchi Kyoshi of 238 Regiment. Other details of Sekiguchi's service have been filled in in smaller characters, presumably by him, and include the names of places where he served, Taiwan, Shanghai, Palau and Defence of Wewak. The flag was captured in the Wewak area in 1945. The hoist corners of the flag are reinforced with triangles of brown leather.

History / Summary

Carried, from December 1940 to 1945, by Sekiguchi Kyoshi of 238 Regiment. He is presumed to have been killed or captured during the battles for the control of Wewak in 1945.