"Back your cheers with your money" buy peace bonds

Place Oceania: Australia
Accession Number ARTV00852
Collection type Art
Measurement sheet: 96 x 73.8 cm
Object type Poster
Physical description photolithograph on paper
Maker Unknown
Commonwealth Government of Australia
Place made Australia
Date made c. 1919
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Australian poster issued at the end of the First World War to promote the sale of Peace Bonds. Depicts a group of flag waving civilians in the foreground farewelling a naval ship. An Australian naval flag flies from the stern above a group of sailors. A small group of spectators has mounted a large flagpole from which the Union Jack is flying. The title occupies the top section of the poster and is printed in yellow ink on a black background. The remainder of the text - "Buy peace bonds" - is printed in white letters on a black background, and occupies the lower section of the poster. The image is in full colour and is positioned in the centre.

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