An appeal to you

Place Europe: United Kingdom
Accession Number ARTV00450
Collection type Art
Measurement Overall: 98.2 x 60.3 cm
Object type Poster
Physical description chromolithograph on paper
Maker Unknown
Parliamentary Recruiting Committee
Roberts & Leete
Place made United Kingdom
Date made 1915
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


British First World War poster issued by the Parliamentary Recruiting Committee. A British soldier beckons the viewer to enlist with his left hand, and holds his rifle with fixed bayonet in the right. Behind him the silhouettes of marching infantrymen and officers on horseback move from right to left. This poster was re appropriated in Australia for a recruitment campaign, entitled 'Come' (ARTV01122). The Australian poster is essentially the same, excepting the soldier's uniform, which has been altered from a British one to an Australian one.