A couple break up copper and bronze ware with hammers for use by the blacksmith contracted by ...

Accession Number P03258.493
Collection type Photograph
Object type Negative
Maker Smith, Heide
Place made Cambodia
Date made 1993
Conflict Period 1990-1999
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC

A couple break up copper and bronze ware with hammers for use by the blacksmith contracted by Phnom Penh's Fine Arts School to mold up gongs, one of a number of traditional Khmer instruments being manufactured in the workshops on site at the school. A line of completed, polished gongs of descending size and tone have been lined up in front of the couple while a wicker basket of old pots sits between them. The art of instrument manufacture and playing is being revived with the assistance of Adelaide born ethnomusicologist Bill Lobban, a dedicated non government organisation (NGO) worker who began working in Cambodia from 1987, receiving support from Save the Children Fund (Australia) and Australian Volunteers Abroad to develop a programme designed to revive Cambodian music and dance at Phnom Penh's Fine Arts School, in conjunction with the State of Cambodia (SOC)'s Ministry of Culture. This image forms a series with P03258.336, .338 and .339.

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