Bensley, Robert Sidney (Civilian)

Accession Number PR82/026
Collection type Private Record
Record type Collection
Measurement 1 wallet: 1cm
Object type Papers
Maker Bensley, Robert Sidney
Place made New Guinea: Bismarck Archipelago, New Britain, Gazelle Peninsula, Rabaul
Date made 1942
Access Open
Related File This file can be copied or viewed via the Memorial’s Reading Room. AWM315 419/054/035
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Collection relating to the air raid in Rabaul and civilian Robert Sidney Bensley's experiences of the air raid and events afterwards. Collection consists of two typed pages written by Bensley entitled 'Events prior to & subsequent to evacuation of Rabaul', dated from 20 January 1942 through to 3 February 1942. The report covers the initial air raid and Bensley's movements with other businessmen as they headed for safety after the military leave the town. Bensley was an employee of the Colyer Watson Company operating in Rabaul.