Australian Military Forces

Place Asia: Netherlands East Indies, Halmahera Island, Morotai Island
Accession Number PR88/176
Collection type Private Record
Record type Collection
Measurement Extent: 1 cm; Wallet/s: 1
Object type Papers
Place made Australia, Netherlands East Indies
Date made 1945
Access Open
Related File This file can be copied or viewed via the Memorial’s Reading Room. AWM315 419/065/036
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Collection relating to the Australian Military Forces and the interrogation and surrender ceremony of the Japanese Second Army at Morotai, 15 August - 11 September 1945.

Wallet 1 of 1 - This collection primarily contains papers pertaining to Japanese naval interrogation and records relating to the surrender ceremony of the Japanese Second Army at Morotai on 9 September 1945. The former includes three documents outlining specific subjects of Japanese naval interrogation such as naval and merchant vessels, maritime facilities, coastal defences, radar and signalling stations, supplies, minefields and related maritime hazards. Records relating to the surrender of the Japanese Second Army and subsequent formal surrender ceremony at Morotai on 9 September 1945 comprise "Order No. 1 - Naval and Military" issued by General Sir Thomas Blamey to Lieutenant General Fusataro Teshima, and several related documents outlining instructions and information requirements issued to the Japanese Second Army. Other items include speeches given by Teshima at a conference on September 9 and on his farewell two days later, a summary of replies to these speeches given by Lieutenant General Frank Berryman, and three souvenir leaflets relating to the surrender ceremony. The remaining item in the collection is a special edition of the Australian Army newspaper "Table Tops" No. 73 published on 15 August 1945, marking the announced surrender of Imperial Japan.