Reginald Noel Basil 'Reg' Stevens as a squadron leader, 3 Squadron RAAF, interviewed by Edward Stokes for The Keith Murdoch Sound Archive of Australia in War of 1939-45.

Accession Number S00946
Collection type Sound
Measurement 1 hr 49 min 24 sec
Object type Oral history
Physical description audio cassette; TDK AD60; two track mono
Maker Stevens, Reginald Noel Basil
Stokes, Edward
Date made 5 July 1990
Access Open
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC
Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction.
Source credit to The Keith Murdoch Sound Archive of Australia in the war of 1939-45

31.12.41, on the Isle of Man whilst landing a Spitfire the starboard tyre blew out, the aircraft slid off the sealed runway onto water-sodden grass and somersaulted on its back; 12.6.42, his aircraft was hit by enemy 40 mm ground fire and crash-landed in the desert; 29.6.42, following hydraulic failure in the undercarriage and being unable to get the wheels down he crash-landed on the desert landing strip; 23.8.42, he was shot down in flames by ME-109 enemy fighter, crashed landed in the desert; 3.8.43, in Sicily he was shot down by enemy ground fire, crash-landed in an olive tree near Mount Etna; 9.5.44, back in Australia whilst flying a Spitfire the motor blew up and he crash-landed on the road near Merbein, Mildura, Victoria. After cessation of hostilities he returned to New Guinea to his pre-war post with the administration and was retired from there on medical grounds due to a war-related back complaint in 1952. Interview includes a short conversation with Reg's wife where she discusses the impact of his being away on war service on her and their young son.