Price Stewart (Norman) Whitelaw, 2/2nd Field Regiment and Bombardment Liaison Officer HMAS Hobart, interviewed by Daniel Connell for the Keith Murdoch Sound Archives of Australia in the War of 1939-45

Accession Number S00569
Collection type Sound
Measurement 2 hr 27 min
Object type Oral history
Physical description audio cassette; TDK D60; two track mono
Maker Whitelaw, Price Stewart (Norman)
Place made Australia: Victoria, Melbourne, Black Rock
Date made 18 April 1989
Access Open
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC
Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction.
Source credit to The Keith Murdoch Sound Archive of Australia in the war of 1939-45

Discussing pre-war employment; enlistment if AIF; discipline in militia units; initial army training at Seymour Camp; transfer to Puckapunyal Camp; embarkation for Middle East; Deir Suneid Camp; Helway Camp in Egypt; contact with Italian forces at Bardia; Tobruk Campaign; embarkation for Greece; contact with German Forces at Veria; battle at Delphi; evacuation to and from Crete; casualties from Greece and Crete campaigns; return to Australia; establishment of Australian Naval Bombardment Group; role of Bombardment Liaison Officers and shore fire control parties; posting to HMAS Shropshire; posting to HMAS Hobart as Bombardment Liaison Officer; relationship between the army artillery team and naval crew; Hobart's guns; bombardment missions on Hobart at Balkipapan, Manila Bay, Cebu; demobilisation; post-war employment.