Australian Prisoners of War (POWs) leaving Japan aboard HMS Speaker after the end of the war. ...

Place Asia: Japan, Nagasaki
Accession Number 045142
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white
Physical description Black & white
Maker Barber, Sydney George
Date made 26 September 1946
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Australian Prisoners of War (POWs) leaving Japan aboard HMS Speaker after the end of the war. identified left to right: SX9430 (4265) Sergeant James William John Stiggants; NX45369 Sergeant Leslie Donald Ray (Don) Abbott; NX59143 Warrant Officer Class 2 (WO2) Cedric John Ewing; SX10653 (485) WO2 Sydney George (Syd) Barber. Stiggants and Barber are from the 8th Division Ammunition Sub Park, and Abbott and Ewing are members of the 2/20 Battalion. The Nagasaki area can be seen in the background. This is one of a series of images from negative numbers 045139 to 045157 taken with a camera borrowed by WO2 Syd Barber, following his release from captivity. The camera belonged to the darkroom of the British escort Aircraft Carrier HMS Speaker. Between 26 September 1945 and mid October 1945, HMS Speaker made a voyage from Nagasaki to Manila repatriating Australian POWs from prison camps in Japan.