Souvenir pocket book from RMS Nestor, which carried Australian troops 1939-1945

Place Approximate locations: At sea
Accession Number REL28429
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Heraldry
Physical description Metal; Paper; Enamel
Maker Unknown
Date made Unknown
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Metal bound notebook with a hinge near the top of the front cover and a small hook at the top. An empty metal pen casing is attached by metal loops down the right hand side of the cover. When the pen is in place the notebook is fastened shut. A small round badge is attached to the lower left hand corner of the cover. The badge has a blue enamelled garter and buckle around the edge with the words 'R.M.S. Nestor' around the top. A blue enamelled flag is in the centre of the circle with the letters 'AH' shown inside a white diamond. A crown is attached to the top of the outer circle. Inside the cover are twelve small pages each with a pencil drawn caricature. This would have been purchased on board as a souvenir.

History / Summary
