(F4267) Reed, Albert Edward (Able Seaman) interviewed by John Roberts

Accession Number S02009
Collection type Sound
Measurement Duration: 1 hour 32 mins
Object type Oral history
Physical description audio cassette; TDK D60; mono
Maker Roberts, Niall John
Date made 17 January 1996
Access Open
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC
Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction.
Source credit to RAN Corvettes Association WA Oral History Program

Part of a collection of nineteen oral history interviews conducted by the Royal Australian Navy Corvettes Association of Western Australia. Interviewers included John Roberts, Margaret Rickard, Lorna Dodd, William Gray Ritchie and Jack Shepheard.

Film order form
History / Summary

Albert Edward Reed, as an able seaman, Royal Australian Navy (RAN) corvette HMAS Wallaroo, minesweeper HMAS Mercedes and general purpose vessel GPV-954, Australian waters and North Pacific Ocean, 1942-1946, interviewed by John Roberts

Bert Reed talks about his early life and schooling; early working days; enlistment into the RAN and Naval training at HMAS Cerberus; being drafted first to HMAS Voyager but then to HMAS Wallaroo; conditions on board the Wallaroo and operational routine; shore leave; both the official and personal accounts of the sinking of the Wallaroo; rescue from the sea by HMAS Dubbo; the after effects of the experience on himself and others; being drafted to minesweeper HMAS Mercedes and minesweeping off Fremantle and Darwin; being drafted to GPV-954 and service in the New Guinea-New Britain area; return to Australia and discharge; post-war employment; marriage and family; housing; retirement activities including the WA Corvettes’ Association.

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