Hong Kong. c 1945. A view of the graves on the steep slope of Saiwan Cemetery where VX39777 ...

Accession Number P02654.008
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white, Portrait
Physical description Black & white, Portrait
Maker Pledger, Athol (Tom)
Date made c 1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Hong Kong. c 1945. A view of the graves on the steep slope of Saiwan Cemetery where VX39777 Private (Pte) James (Jim) W. Adams is buried. Pte Adams died of illness on 1 October 1945 on board the Royal Navy Hospital Ship Gerusalemme, while it was docked in Victoria Harbour, Hong Kong. Gerusalemme was transporting 139 released POWs, 56 of them Australian, from Hong Kong to Australia, and was scheduled to rendezvous with the Hospital Ship Maunganui in Manilla, when it was ordered to return to Hong Kong. Most of the other Australians returned home from Hong Kong on board HMS Striker. (Donor A. Pledger)

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