Hong Kong. January 1948. NX47190 Corporal Athol (Tom) Pledger, 2/21st Battalion, giving evidence ...

Accession Number P02654.005
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white, Landscape
Physical description Black & white, Landscape
Maker Pledger, Athol (Tom)
Place made Hong Kong
Date made January 1948
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Hong Kong. January 1948. NX47190 Corporal Athol (Tom) Pledger, 2/21st Battalion, giving evidence at the war crimes trial in Hong Kong. Seventeen Japanese of the Japanese Imperial Navy were charged with war crimes committed in the Prisoner of War (POW) camp on Hainan Island between November 1942 and August 1945, Among the seventeen Japanese charged were Admiral Tahara Suzumu, Kawamura Shinichi, Aoyama Shigoo, Yamasaki Takio, Kikuchi Ichiro, Kanu Terutami, Yajima Mishima, Shimura Sonchi, Suzuki Kyukichi (known as Puss in Boots), Hirata Sadao, Obara Naoji, Fukunaga Tsuneyoshi, Yoshida Tomonobu, Matsukawa Chuzo (known as Heavy Harry), Tajima Tamaki (known as Friendly Fred, and later as Hateful Harry), and Akiyoshi Hideo. The court comprised of Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) H. G. Guinn, Lt Col J. T. Brock, Major N. McLeod and Lieutenant (Lt) R. Carter. The prosecution was conducted by Major Grant McIntyre, and Lt Colin McCutcheon, 2/21st Battalion and prisoner in the camp gave evidence, along with Captain Clive F. Newnham, Adjutant of Hainan POW Camp.

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