View from behind of the bloodied body of Japanese Lieutenant Colonel Suga, formerly Commandant of ...

Accession Number 030263/02
Collection type Photograph
Object type Negative
Maker Wright, H R
Place made Malaysia: Labuan
Date made 16 September 1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


View from behind of the bloodied body of Japanese Lieutenant Colonel Suga, formerly Commandant of Prisoner of War Compounds at Kuching and Sandakan. He was apprehended as a war criminal and taken to a surrender camp at Labuan Island where he committed suicide early in the morning of 16 September. He committed suicide by stabbing his throat with a table knife, so bleeding to death. The water bottle near his head was half filled with sand and, according to the story of his batman, Kwanaka Yoshiro, who assisted his master, Suga struck himself on the head with it several times.

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