Binh Ba, South Vietnam. July 1970. Corporal Michael Dawkins of Noble Park, Vic, uses a belt as a ...

Accession Number FAI/70/0556/VN
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white
Physical description Black & white
Maker Fairley, John Geoffrey
Date made 1970
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Binh Ba, South Vietnam. July 1970. Corporal Michael Dawkins of Noble Park, Vic, uses a belt as a tourniquet on a Vietnamese soldier during a lesson on first aid to other Vietnamese. Cpl Dawkins was a medic at the 1st Field Hospital, Vung Tau, but is now working with Mobile Advisory Training Team Number 1, north of the 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF) base at Nui Dat. The Teams, called MATTS, are being formed around Phuoc Tuy Province with regional force companies and popular force platoons as part of a build up of the Australia Force's training effort in Vietnam.