AWM52 8/2/7/7A - [Unit War Diaries, 1939-45 War] HQ 7 Australian Infantry Brigade, September 1942, Appendices [part 1 of 3] map of Dawurra garden including Dalawah plateau and Kamadia plateau and surrounds showing creeks, proposed road, tracks, spot heights, border jungle clearing, native nuts, spurs and ridges and true bearings. Scale : 100x - 1" [oversize item]

Accession Number AWM2022.1719.4359
Collection number AWM52 8/2/7/7A
Collection type Digitised Collection
Record type Item
Item count 1
Object type Official Record
Physical description 1 Image/s captured
Maker Department of Defence
Access OPEN
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945
Source credit to This item has been digitised with funding provided by Commonwealth Government.

AWM52 8/2/7/7A - [Unit War Diaries, 1939-45 War] HQ 7 Australian Infantry Brigade, September 1942, Appendices [part 1 of 3] map of Dawurra garden including Dalawah plateau and Kamadia plateau and surrounds showing creeks, proposed road, tracks, spot heights, border jungle clearing, native nuts, spurs and ridges and true bearings. Scale : 100x - 1" [oversize item]

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