Kormoran commemorative wall plaque

Accession Number REL25083
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Heraldry
Physical description Wood and plastic
Maker Werner Geise, Hamburg
Place made Germany
Date made 1990-1995
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945
Period 1990-1999

Wooden plaque with embossed silver coloured rectangular plastic shield featuring an image of the armed merchant cruiser Kormoran. 'Hilfskreuzer "KORMORAN"' is embossed across the top with the badge of armed merchant raider crews on the right side. The reverse of the wooden panel is printed with manufacturer's details in the bottom right corner 'WERNER GEISE / Holzschnitzer / Papenmoorweg 11 / Tel. 040-8307469 / 2000 Schenefeld Hamburg'.

History / Summary

Associated with the Kormoran crew association. The Kormoran was responsible for the sinking of HMAS Sydney in 1941.