Pall bearers stand next to the coffins (second one partly obscured), draped with the Australian ...

Accession Number DNE/65/0152/VN
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white
Physical description Black & white
Maker Dunne, Bryan Rupert
Place made Vietnam: South Vietnam, Saigon
Date made July 1965
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Pall bearers stand next to the coffins (second one partly obscured), draped with the Australian flag, during a solemn ceremony held after the accidental deaths on 1965-06-26 in Bien Hoa of 37867 Private (Pte) Michael Alwyn Bourke, 1st Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (1RAR), 37010 Pte William T. Carroll, 1RAR, and Pte Arie Van Valen, 1RAR. 1RAR and representatives of all allied forces in Vietnam pay their respects at Tan Son Nhut airbase, before the bodies are flown back to Australia. Identified are, far left of photograph, front to back: 3411321 Pte Robert Weitzmann, 216009 Pte Harry White, 16155 Pte Alan Aisthorpe. Left side of coffin in full view, front to back: 215066 Pte Imre Nagy, unknown, unknown. Right side of coffin, front to back: unknown, 54957 Pte David Leaman, unknown. End of coffin, facing camera: Lieutenant Colonel I. R. W. Brumfield, Commanding Officer 1RAR, Lieutenant General ?, US Army, Colonel O. D. Jackson, unknown, and a Vietnamese Officer pinning a medal, probably the Armed Forces Honour Medal (2nd Class) (AFHM (2nd Class)), to the flag.