Victory in the Pacific parade Melbourne 24 August 1945

Accession Number F04769
Collection type Film
Measurement 7 min 46 sec
Object type Home movie
Physical description 16mm/b&w/silent
Maker Pollitt, James (Jim) Vincent
Place made Australia: Victoria, Australia: Victoria, Melbourne
Date made 24 August 1945
Access Open
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC

Footage of the Victory in the Pacific parade, 24 August 1945, shot from different perspectives along the parade route: Initially, the camera is at ground level across the road from the Myer store in Bourke street; then from the top of a shop awning, probably in Swanston Street where there is a saluting base outside the Melbourne Town Hall. The salute is being taken by the Governor, Sir Winston Dugan. The perspective also allows a view of other spectators and photographers along the adjoining roof awnings, and in the windows of buildings across the road.

The scenes include marching naval band, naval members, a Scottish regiment, soldiers, nurses, female military members, and panning shots of other observers in buildings or along the awnings, including air servicemen; flags, and the General Post Office clock tower.
This is followed by a sequence of footage in the countryside - scenes from a moving train or car; people with a cow; people swimming and boating, and several Bristol Beauforts flying in formation.

Film order form
  • Video of Victory in the Pacific parade Melbourne 24 August 1945 (video)