Cairo, Egypt. c. 1944. RAAF airmen meet Australian actress Lois Green from Melbourne, Vic, who is ...

Accession Number MEB0209
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white, Landscape
Physical description Black & white, Landscape
Maker Le Guay, Laurence Craddock
Date made c 1944
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Cairo, Egypt. c. 1944. RAAF airmen meet Australian actress Lois Green from Melbourne, Vic, who is touring the Middle East and Italy with the ENSA production of the musical "No, No, Nanette!" on the stage. Left to right: Corporal (Cpl) K. H. Dinnerville of Girraween, NSW; Cpl G. Batting of Sydney, NSW; Leading Aircraftman (LAC) Thomas of Emu Plains, NSW; Warrant Officer R. A. J. Phillips of Perth, WA.