Flying from Mareeba, Qld. 1944-03-18. Four CAC Boomerang (CA-13) fighter aircraft of No. 5 ...

Place Oceania: Australia, Queensland, North Queensland, Atherton Tableland, Mareeba
Accession Number NEA0417
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white
Physical description Black & white
Maker Harrison, John Thomas
Place made Australia: Queensland, North Queensland, Atherton Tableland, Mareeba
Date made 18 March 1944
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Flying from Mareeba, Qld. 1944-03-18. Four CAC Boomerang (CA-13) fighter aircraft of No. 5 (Tactical Reconnaissance) Squadron RAAF in "echelon right" formation. The aircraft are serial numbers A46-128 (coded BF-N), A46-177 BF-W), A46-175 (BF-C) and A46-178 (BF-T), piloted by (in order) Flight Lieutenant (Flt Lt) D. H. Goode of Port Pirie, SA, 411369 Flt Lt R. R. Oberg of Haberfield, NSW, 427868 Pilot Officer (PO) Alan Capell of Hawthorn, Vic, 428432 PO J. F. McDavitt of Camberwell, Vic. The aircraft in the foreground, A46-128 is nicknamed "U-Beaut 2".