Folkard, Thomas William (Sergeant, b.1881 - d.1918)

Accession Number AWM2022.378.1
Collection type Private Record
Record type Collection
Measurement Extent: 1 cm; Wallet/s: 1
Object type Letter
Maker Folkard, Thomas William
Place made France
Date made 1917
Access Open
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain

Copying Provisions Copyright expired. Copying permitted subject to physical condition. Permission for reproduction not required.

Collection relating to the First World War service of 2654 Sergeant Thomas William Folkard MM, 52 Australian Infantry Battalion, France, 1917.

Wallet 1 of 1 - Consists of one letter from Folkard to Louis Volk dated 19 April 1917. Folkard writes that he has just completed three weeks of advanced work near the Hindenburg line and describes an attack made by the Germans against the Australian lines. Folkard writes that he was recommended for a Distinguished Conduct Medal for his actions that day [he was subsequently awarded a Military Medal]. He also writes that he was taken prisoner by the Germans but "bluffed [his] way out", and mentions that Volk's nephew Hinkler is doing well.