A German propaganda photograph distributed by the British Air Ministry from captured German ...

Place Europe: Flanders, Antwerpen Province, Antwerp
Accession Number P02025.556
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white - Print silver gelatin
Maker Unknown
Place made Flanders: Antwerpen Province, Antwerp
Date made 8 April 1943
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


A German propaganda photograph distributed by the British Air Ministry from captured German photographs. The visual evidence does not support the German caption for this photograph. Although there is substantial damage from bombing the civilians are standing in front of a burnt out lorry or bus. Translated caption reads: "1419 g/ Deliberate murder of Belgian children during dastardly English and American daylight air attack on Antwerp. Living quarters and homes of working people, hospitals, churches and cultural monuments left to the mercy of fires - women and children exposed to the bombs in a criminal way, this is typical of how the British and Americans conduct a war, as demonstrated by the latest terror attack, in bright daylight, on the large Schelde City of Antwerp. The enormous number of more than 200 hundred children killed, who were assembled in only one school for the purpose of pursuing their studies, is sufficient proof of the Anglo-American bomber commanders desire to commit murder. The workers of Antwerp are standing in front of the place of horror, their living quarters and home. Their next of kin are still under the rubble and, doubled up with pain, they are looking for them. Atlantic, 8.4.43. /Schu/ E.M." (Air Ministry Ref. K/360)