Air-to air photograph of an F-4D Phantom of the 480th Tactical Fighter Squadron (TFS) USAF. The ...

Place Asia: Vietnam
Accession Number P01969.004
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white
Physical description Black & white
Maker Whisker, Ian Hamilton
Place made Vietnam
Date made c 1971
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: Status to be assessed


Air-to air photograph of an F-4D Phantom of the 480th Tactical Fighter Squadron (TFS) USAF. The squadron code is HK and the aircraft serial number is 67-501. This aircraft is carrying a Mark 84 2000lb bomb on each outboard wing station and three Mark 82 500lb bombs on each inboard wing station. The Mk 82 and Mk 84 bombs are all armed with fuse extenders which will detonate the bombs above the ground for maximum effect. This aircraft was flown by a number of RAAF pilots on exchange with the USAF including, Squadron Leader I H Whisker on 13 May 1971 with Captain Rumsey as the Weapons System Officer (WSO) and again on 20 June 1971, with Lieutenant McLaughlin as the WSO. Flight Lieutenant Naylor's logbook records his sole flight in this aircraft, on 17 March 1971, was a night mission to drop napalm and flares with Lieutenant Foster, as the WSO. An RAF roundel has been painted on the air intake of this aircraft as this was the last flight for the Weapons System Officer whose next assignment was to the United Kingdom on exchange with an RAF squadron. This photograph was taken by Squadron Leader I H Whisker, an RAAF pilot flying with the 480th TFS. (Colour version of this image is held as P01969.003).