Life on the Line [Series 3, Bonus Episode] Testimonies of the Holocaust with Phillip Maisel

Accession Number AWM2020.1032.69
Collection type Sound
Object type Podcast
Physical description digital audio file; wave
Maker Maisel, Phillip
Lloyd, Alex
Thistle Productions
Access Open

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright

Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction.

Alex Lloyd speaks with Jewish Holocaust survivor Phillip Maisel.. Podcast was released 1 March 2019.

Episode descriptions from Life on the Line tracks down Australian war veterans and records their stories. Today's bonus episode is with Phillip Maisel, who was imprisoned by Nazi Germany's forces during World War II, confined to an overcrowded ghetto for two years, before being sent to multiple labour and concentration camps. Phillip spoke to Alex Lloyd about the hardships he endured, the horrors he witnessed, and the hope that sustained him and his brethren.

  • Listen to Life on the Line [Series 3, Bonus Episode] Testimonies of the Holocaust with Phillip Maisel