Exercise first stab DPR/TV/964

Accession Number F04262
Collection type Film
Measurement 6 min 30 sec
Object type Actuality footage, Television news footage
Physical description 16mm/b&w/silent
Maker Dunne, Bryan Rupert
Place made Australia: Queensland
Date made 13 November 1968
Access Open
Conflict Period 1960-1969
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC

Australia's Sixth Battalion swept onto Ingham airfield in sweltering heat today (13 Nov) to launch a stiff jungle workout code-named First Stab. The Townsville-based battalion was lifted into the area by Royal Australian Air Force Caribou shuttle service. Three Caribou were involved in the air-lift. Six hundred troops from the battalion moved directly into an operation to secure Ingham airfield against an opposing force drawn from C Company, 31st Battalion, Royal Queensland Regiment. The strike force was supported by B Squadron, 2 Cavalry Regiment (Royal Australian Armoured Corps), a section of 4 Field Regiment (Royal Australian Artillery), a detachment of 18 Field Squadron (Royal Australian Engineers) and other ancillary units. Two Iroquois helicopters from 5 Squadron RAAF, Canberra, arrived today to operate in a supporting role for the battalion. Aim of exercise First Stab is to practise 6 RAR in limited war operations in a South-East Asian setting. Major part of the exercise will be in the rugged Mt Spec area, about 25 miles south-west of Ingham. Exercise phases will include reconnaissance in force, ambush and counter ambush drills and cordon and search manoeuvres. Operations have been designed to test security of the battalion in a fire support base, at rest and on the move. First Stab is under the direction of the Commander Northern Queensland Area, Brigadier E. Logan of Townsville. Deputy Director is Lieutenant-Colonel K. McKenzie, a staff officer from Headquarters Northern Command in Brisbane. Chief Controller of Exercise First Stab is Major A. M.Salter, who has established 3 Task Force Headquarters at Ingham showgrounds. (Also identified: Major Peter Belt; Lieutenant-Colonel D. A. Butler; machine gunner sentry Pte Phil Jensen of Nambour, Qld; Pte Frank Gilpatrick of Cairns, Qld; Trooper Geoff Lenz).

Film order form
  • Video of Exercise first stab DPR/TV/964 (video)