New Zealanders arrive on Tasman exchange DPR/TV/913

Accession Number F04234
Collection type Film
Measurement 3 min 25 sec
Object type Actuality footage, Television news footage
Physical description 16mm/b&w/silent
Maker Dunne, Bryan Rupert
Place made Australia: Queensland
Date made 11 September 1968
Access Open
Conflict Period 1960-1969
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC

Two C-130 Hercules Transports brought 142 soldiers of the Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment to Rockhampton, Queensland this week on their way to take part in an exercise in the Australian Army's Shoalwater Bay training area, north of Rockhampton. They are taking part in the seventh interchange between the Australian and New Zealand armies in the exercise Tasman series. The New Zealanders, after Customs and Quarantine clearance, moved to Shoalwater Bay by RAAF Caribou aircraft. Before the start of the exercise, the New Zealanders carried out familiarisation training with Australian M113 armoured personnel carriers and RAAF Iroquois helicopters; they also took part in lead-in operations to allow them to get used to the country in which they are working. In the exercise the New Zealanders are operating with 9th Battalion, The Royal Australian Reginment, from Woodside, SA. The battalion is being prepared for service in South Vietnam later this year. The New Zealanders arrived in the tropical heat of Rockhampton after leaving Christchurch with its 20 degrees of frost earlier in the day. The Exercise ends on September 20. (Also identified: Brigadier "Pat" Paterson, head of NZ Defence Liaison Staff, Canberra, ACT)

Film order form
  • Video of New Zealanders arrive on Tasman exchange DPR/TV/913 (video)