Bourne, Ralph Fielding

Accession Number MSS1206
Collection type Manuscript
Measurement 1 item
Object type Manuscript
Maker Bourne, John F
Date made 1915-1919
Access Open
Related File This file can be copied or viewed via the Memorial’s Reading Room. AWM315 232/003/008
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918
Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction.

Titled `An Engineer at War: experiences and letters from R.F.Bourne while in Egypt, Sinai and Palestine, 1915-1919'. Records the experiences of Ralph Fielding Bourne, a young engineering cadet after his enlistment in the A.I.F. in 1915. His letter and notes cover his posting to Egypt and Palestine. The account discusses his service with the Royal Engineers on general survey and construction work in Sinai and Palestine. The letters contain description of desert life and experiences on leave but Bourne deliberately omitted references to action because of his fear of censors. Contains detail about his home, family and friends.