White, Sir Thomas Walter (Group Captain, b.1888 - d.1957)

Place Europe: France, Paris
Accession Number AWM2019.1279.1
Collection type Private Record
Record type Collection
Measurement Extent: .5 cm; Wallet/s: 1
Object type Letter, Postcard
Maker White, Thomas Walter
Place made France, Greece
Date made 1916-1918
Access Open
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Collection relating to the First World War service of 250875 Captain (later Group Captain Sir) Thomas Walter White, DFC, Australian Flying Corps, prisoner of war, Greece, France, 1916-1918.

Wallet 1 of 1 - Consists of a postcard White wrote to his brother, Percy, while a prisoner of war of the Turks and a letter and postcard written following his escape from captivity. White's first postcard, dated 22 April 1916, assures Percy that he is well, has received a parcel from the RFC Prisoners' Aid Society, and requests cigars, chocolate and books. The letter, written to Percy from Salonica in November 1918, discusses White's recent activities since his escape, the conditions endured by the British and Indian prisoners of the Turks following the siege of Kut, White's plans to publish a book on his experiences, and describes the desheviled state of his clothing on arrival in Solonica. The final postcard has White in Paris in December 1918, writing of the arrival of US President Woodrow Wilson and the celebrations happening in the city.