AWM82 2/156 - [Captured Japanese Documents:] Draft of a report from Lieutenant Colonel OTA to Chief of Staff KATO [File in Japanese]

Accession Number AWM2018.8.1332
Collection number AWM82 2/156
Collection type Digitised Collection
Record type File
Item count 1
Object type Official Record
Physical description 5 Image/s captured
Maker Japanese Armed Forces
Date made 1946
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

AJRP Sub-Series name: Post-surrender Rabaul material received from HQ 8 Military District. This ia a draft of a report from Lieutenant Colonel OTA to Chief of Staff KATO of the 8th Area Army. Matters reported are the treatment of lawyers and interpreters, and the progress of war crimes trials in Rabaul. To meet the judicial costs, the use of the Navys secret services fund was proposed. A system to compel former servicemen to deposit their personal savings was also considered. out of the 300 trials scheduled, forty had been completed when this report was drafted.

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