Lieutenant Colonel Gregory Vivian Gilbert (Rtd) as the lieutenant Forward Observer 12th Field Regiment attached to D Company 4th Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment (4 RAR), South Vietnam 1971-1972, interviewed by Lieutenant Colonel Gary McKay MC (Rtd)

Accession Number S01143
Collection type Sound
Measurement 2 hr 3 min
Object type Oral history
Physical description 1/4 inch sound tape reel; AGFA PEM 369; 3 3/4 ips/9.5 cm.s; stereo; 10 inch NAB
Maker Gilbert, Gregory Vivian
McKay, Gary John
McKay, Gary John
Place made Australia: Victoria, Melbourne, Windsor
Date made 22 May 1993
Access Open
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: Status to be assessed

Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction.
Source credit to AWM Research Grants Scheme

Lieutenant Colonel Gregory Vivian Gilbert (Rtd) as the lieutenant Forward Observer 12th Field Regiment attached to D Company 4th Battalion The Royal Australian Regiment (4 RAR), South Vietnam 1971-1972, interviewed by Lieutenant Colonel Gary McKay MC (Rtd)