(3798962) Benson, Kevin James (Private)

Accession Number S01130
Collection type Sound
Measurement 1 hr 34 min
Object type Oral history
Physical description 1/4 inch sound tape reel; AGFA PEM 369; 3 3/4 ips/9.5 cm.s; stereo; 5 inch
Maker Benson, Kevin James
McKay, Gary John
McKay, Gary John
Place made Australia: Victoria, Port Phillip Bay, Ocean Grove
Date made 17 December 1992
Access Open
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: Status to be assessed

Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction.
Source credit to AWM Research Grants Scheme

Tape 1: Joining army, training, departure for and journey on HMAS Sydney to Vietnam, arrival in Vung Tau, travel to Nui Dat, number two on M60 machine gun, becoming forward scout, briefings for operations, contact with enemy, fears on operation, outstanding members of platoon, vivid memories, casualties. Tape 2: Reaction to casualties, qualities of enemy, attack on enemy bunker, toughest time in Vietnam, funny times, rest and recreation, six weeks operations, relationship with fellow troops and commanders, satisfaction, qualities of allied troops, clearing battlefield after bunker attack, opinion of anti-war movement, opinion of Australia's involvement in Vietnam, most important lesson in Vietnam.

History / Summary

Tape 1: Joining army, training, departure for and journey on HMAS Sydney to Vietnam, arrival in Vung Tau, travel to Nui Dat, number two on M60 machine gun, becoming forward scout, briefings for operations, contact with enemy, fears on operation, outstanding members of platoon, vivid memories, casualties. Tape 2: Reaction to casualties, qualities of enemy, attack on enemy bunker, toughest time in Vietnam, funny times, rest and recreation, six weeks operations, relationship with fellow troops and commanders, satisfaction, qualities of allied troops, clearing battlefield after bunker attack, opinion of anti-war movement, opinion of Australia's involvement in Vietnam, most important lesson in Vietnam.

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