Anti-guerilla preparations DPR/TV/436

Accession Number F03792
Collection type Film
Measurement 2 min 44 sec
Object type Actuality footage, Television news footage
Physical description 16mm/b&w/silent
Place made Australia: Queensland
Date made 9 September 1966
Access Open
Conflict Period 1960-1969
Vietnam, 1962-1975
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC
Source credit to This item has been digitised with funding provided by Commonwealth Government.

Anti-guerilla operations are the theme of Exercise Phoenix being held by the 2nd Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, at Tin Can Bay, Queensland, until September 16. The Battalion exercise is a prelude to Exercise Bara Winga largest peacetime exercise mounted by the Army which will involve troops from all over Australia, from Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, the United Kingdom with navy and Air Force support elements. Field Force Exercise Barra Winga will range over 1,200 square miles of the Rockhampton - Shoalwater Bay area of Queensland between October-November. The 2nd Battalion, Exercise Phoenix, is in preparation for the unit's Allied force role with the 6th Task Force in Barra Winga. Emphasis is on patrolling through the dense tropical undergrowth by small sections of troops. Silent movement through the jungle is essential to success and established hand signals replace verbal orders. An enemy sighting is at hand signalled by the forward scout and the section patrol leader quickly briefs his men then deploys them into ambush positions. Caught unawares two enemy troops walk into the ambush - one is shot and the other quickly captured. The enemy are throughly and carefully searched. Map cases and weapons are removed from the enemy and the captured man is taken back to base for interrogation. Exercise Phoenix is based on lessons learned on Vietnam operations to ensure that the 2nd Battalion is prepared for its role with the friendly forces to be used in the Shoalwater Bay area of Queensland next month in the mammoth joint Australian- New Zealand-United Kingdom field force exercise Barra Winga.

Film order form
  • Video of Anti-guerilla preparations DPR/TV/436 (video)