
Place Asia: Turkey, Canakkale Province, Gallipoli Peninsula, ANZAC Commemorative Site
Accession Number AWM2016.140.7
Collection type Art
Measurement framed: 51.8 x 77.8 cm; unframed: 50 x 76 cm
Object type Painting
Physical description oil on glass
Maker Jolly, David
Place made Australia: Victoria, Melbourne
Date made 2016
Conflict Period 2010-2019
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC

This painting depicts the Anzac Day Dawn Service at Gallipoli in 2015. Artist David Jolly was commissioned by the Memorial to attend the centenary Anzac Day Dawn Service at Gallipoli and create a series of paintings in response. Jolly works by photographing and recording places and events and then selecting moments and details that convey the larger story. In this case, he explored Gallipoli for several days, taking photographs, short film and sound recordings and drawing key sites on the Peninsula. The seven paintings present moments from between the afternoon of 24 April and the conclusion of the Dawn Service, when the crowds left the commemorative site.

This is the sixth of those moments, showing the conclusion of the Dawn Service: the Australian, New Zealand and Turkish flags have been fully raised and the wreaths have been laid.