Portrait of NX27134 Private (Pte) Ronald George 'Jockey' McGregor, 2/2 Machine Gun Battalion, ...

Accession Number P12362.001
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white - Print silver gelatin
Maker Staniland, Hugh Basil
Place made North Africa: Western Desert
Date made c 12 October 1942
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Portrait of NX27134 Private (Pte) Ronald George 'Jockey' McGregor, 2/2 Machine Gun Battalion, after he received the ribbon of the Military Medal from Lieutenant General Sir Leslie Morshead. At this time the battalion had spent 20 months serving and fighting in the Western Desert. Fatigue and the effect of desert conditions can be seen in Pte McGregor's face. The portrait can be compared with another portrait taken c 1940 around the time of enlistment (P10361.001). Pte McGregor was awarded a Military Medal (MM) for "great courage regardless of danger Tel el Eisa" on 22 July 1942". He was discharged on 7 April 1945. Pte McGregor's medals are held at the Australian War Memorial at RELAWM32122.001 - RELAWM32122.007. (See also 025147)