'Australian troops searching the RAP ruins while Japanese on the left clear away long grass.' ...

Accession Number 120439
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white
Physical description Black & white
Maker Burke, Frank Albert Charles
Place made Borneo: North Borneo, Sandakan
Date made 24 October 1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


'Australian troops searching the RAP ruins while Japanese on the left clear away long grass.' 'Scenes at the POW Camp, Sandakan. POW Contact and Enquiry officers found the remains of an RAP in No. 1 Compound, believed to have been the last inhabited area in the camp after the two death marches to Ranau. Approximately 288 men were estimated to have been left in the Sandakan camp, none of whom survived. At the RAP, overgrown and partly demolished, Japanese parties were made to clear the area and POW Contact and Enquiry officers found hundreds of decayed pay books (British and Australian), a few identity discs, personal belongings, eating utensils, surgical instruments and books etc. It is estimated that approximately 1500 Aust and 1000 British PWs were held in the Sandakan area. Counted graves in two cemeteries in the camp and the civil cemetery were approx 1250. The remainder were marched to Ranau in two groups and of the 2500 men, only 4 have survived as far as is known.' (Original official Military History Section captions, October 1945)