Angels of war

Accession Number F10262
Collection type Film
Measurement 55 min
Object type To be confirmed
Physical description 16mm/Colour/sound
Maker Pike, Andrew
Place made Australia
Date made 1981
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945
Period 1980-1989

Item copyright: External copyright


In January 1942 Papua New Guinea became the battle ground for nearly 2 million foreign soldiers. This film documents the experiences of Papua New Guinea's indigenous population during this campaign. Some conscripts served with Australia during this period. Other villagers in Japanese held areas caught up in the war they could not understand or influence were forced to collaborate or risk execution; some were later hanged for treason by the Australians. Their story is told through interviews, songs and poems, Japanese propaganda films and other archival sources. Scenes include footage of "Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels" carrying wounded men on stretchers and features the poem 'Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels' by Bert Beros. Commentary in English. Pidgin and Japanese dialogue with subtitles in English.