Opening of Bladin's Mino Point holiday camp

Accession Number F07497
Collection type Film
Measurement 4 min 32 sec
Object type To be confirmed
Physical description 35mm/b&w/silent
Maker Cuthbert, Allan George
Place made Japan
Date made 20 July 1947
Access Open
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945
British Commonwealth Occupation Force, 1946-1952 (Japan)

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Bladin's Mino Point holiday camp is named after the ex-Chief of Staff, O33 Air Vice Marshal Francis Masson Bladin who has just returned to Australia. The camp was officially opened by the Commander-in-Chief 34 (VX20321, VX80578) Lieutenant General Horace Clement Hugh Robertson CBE DSO. This camp is run by the YWCA and can accommodate visitors and picnic parties and is for all ranks of all services and their dependents. The camp is ideal for swimming and sunbaking; it was originally an artillery gun site. Also identified: Captain Singh.

Film order form
  • Video of Opening of Bladin's Mino Point holiday camp (video)